How is our skills audit being used?

Thanks to everyone who took time to complete a skills audit last November; what a great range of talents and skills we are blessed with among our church community. Now we want to share with you how the audit is being used.
The audit has enabled us to identify who has the skills and willingness to advise us on key issues or to take on roles within the church. It is through the audit we were able to identify a potential Church Treasurer and as a result we are delighted that Linda Bracewell agreed to take on the challenge and is embracing it whole heartedly. We have also been able to identify one two others who we may, on occasion, ask to deal with other money related matters.
Likewise, the audit highlighted members of the congregation who we could approach to advise us or help with some of the ‘mechanics’ of staging the ‘Christmas Tree Festival’; and with the next children’s activities day coning up in August, we have already consulted the audit summary to see who may be willing and able to support the event and we are in the process of approaching those people.
At the first PCC meeting after the AGM in April, the PCC agreed on the list formal committees and some smaller, sometimes short – term, working groups. It is hoped that the working groups will consist of PCC members & non- members, as this help to enrich discussion and to become a more inclusive church. Again, in the next few months, the audit will be used to identify people who have expressed an interest in particular areas covered by the working groups, who we may approach.
So thanks once again for your support – the more involved we all become the greater things we will be able to achieve together in our attempt to ‘bring God’s love into the heart of the community’.
If there is any member of the congregation who did not complete the audit, but wants to do so or who wants to contribute in some way please speak to one of the wardens. Thank you.