‘MU Supper – a lovely end to the year.

On the 3rd of July at 7:30pm the Mothers’ Union  ended their term by  hosting their ‘Summer of Hope’ Strawberry supper in All Saints’ Church.

It was a lovely occasion and was open to all and very well attended… even though England were playing!

The  short service  thanked God for all that we receive and highlighted what the ‘Summer of Hope’ campaign hoped to achieve.

This was followed by shortbread, strawberry and cream and a glass of wine plus a good ‘natter’ and ‘friendship’. There will also be a raffle and a book sale. All proceeds are going to the worthy ‘Summer of Hope’ fund.

Thanks to all those who helped to organise it.

Please sign the list at the back of the church if you wish to attend so the Mothers’ Union know how many they are catering for.
Thank you.