
Stewardship Response – Thanks

A big ‘THANK YOU@ to those who have responded so far. If you have not yet responded please do so. Your support will make a big difference to the future of the church. Below is a reminded what this is all about…

During October you’ll have heard quite a lot about Christian giving and the idea of Christian stewardship at All Saints’.  We occasionally talk about money and giving in sermons, and there is always a reflection on our needs at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.  But it can be really helpful every few years to think more deeply about our giving – why we give and what we give for.  It can give the opportunity for each of us to review what we give and whether its realistic and generous.

The title and theme of the programme we will follow is ‘Giving in Grace’.  It is the opposite of banging a drum of ‘the church is in desperate need, please give us your coppers’ or of inducing giving out of guilt or obligation.  The keynote is grace – reflecting on God’s grace to us and how that might affect the entire way we look at what we have and how we might graciously in turn give to the work of God today.