Revd Toby’s February newsletter

One of the most exciting aspects of ministry is marrying people! It is such a privilege to guide a couple through as they make their marriage vows and to pray for God’s blessing on them on behalf of the church. Young couples and not so young, those just setting out and those who have been together for years and already have a family together, big weddings with over a hundred guests, to small gatherings of only 15 or so people. All are special as all include those same promises to ‘have and to hold, to love and to cherish, for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; ‘til death us to part.’
Recently we had our wedding preparation Saturday – something that we hold early in January each year. As well as talking about hymns, music, etc, it gives couples a bit of space to think about their relationship and the meaning of the marriage they are about to enter. If marriage is for life, as we believe it is, then it is worth investing in, at the beginning (to lay good foundations) and all along (to keep building a strong, loving and life-giving partnership).

Perhaps you’re thinking of marriage? Perhaps you might be amongst those at the wedding Saturday in January 2020 – or thinking about a date sooner than that? Why not get in touch about marrying in All Saints’ or St James’ Churches? It doesn’t need to cost the earth. The fees normally come to £599 (including having an organist to play) but in exceptional circumstances fees can be reduced – we wouldn’t want anyone not to marry because they couldn’t afford the fees.

And just after Valentine’s Day – on Sunday 17th February at 6:30pm in All Saints’ Church – we’re having a service of prayer and worship. Whether you’re married, single, widowed, or divorced, you will be very welcome as we give thanks to God for the gifts of love and marriage and pray for his blessing on marriage and family life.

With every blessing