‘Spirit of Christmas’ information + craft sessions dates!
As mentioned in a earlier newsletter, we are hosting another ‘Christmas Festival’ at All Saints’.The title of this year’s festival is to be ‘The Spirit of Christmas’. It will open on Friday 13th December at 2:00pm and on Friday evening with a concert. The festival will run through to 3:30pm on Sunday 15th December, with opportunities to hear our Community singers, for children to complete an optional quiz and to purchase refreshments and Christmas fayre. The weekend will conclude with our Christmas Carol service which will take place on Sunday at 6:30 pm. What a lovely way to get into the ‘Christmas Spirit’! Don’t forget to put the dates in your diaries!
Among the mainattractions will be large displays in the centre of the church depicting the Christmas story, and windows decorated with the theme ‘a window to Christmas’. These will display Christmas scenes viewed through a window, e.g. a shop window, into a house, or a view to the outside.
In order to make the event a success we are now seeking your help in other ways too. Do you own a small business; run an organisation or group, or know someone that does? If so, would you consider making a donation towards the cost of a display; or for a small fee of £20 advertising your business in or advertising sheet to be included in our programme? As well as helping us, each of these options would provide opportunities for you to promote your business, group or organisation.
Individuals can help by donating a raffle prize or materials to construct the displays; sponsoring a ‘scene’; giving a cash donation to help with the costs associated with putting on the festival, or offering your time and talents in some practical way – such as stewarding, serving refreshment or making items to go on the displays.
Please look out for the ‘Spirit of Christmas’ flyers which will be available shortly. There will be a tear-off section with options of how you can contribute to making the event a success. Hopefully you can find some way to help. When you have completed the form please return it to one of the Wardens in church or to Elaine Lockwood or Barbara Anderson. Thank you.
Also, a big thank youto those who have already helped at one of our craft sessions where we have been busy making things for our displays. The next few craft sessions will be at All Saints’ Church on
- 2ndSeptember at 10:00am – 2:00 pm.
- 14thOctober at 6:30pm – 8:30 pm.
- 11thNovember at 10:00am – 2:00pm
Please feel free to drop in and join one of these sessions – you do not need to be expert at craft work.
Although our main aim is that this should be an event which reaches out to the wider community, any money raised will be a bonus and will be divided between a local charity and our church.
With thanks in anticipation of your support from all ‘The All Saints’ Christmas Festival Team’.