What can we do help during this crisis?
We are looking to create a list of people who can help during this Coronavirus outbreak. This could be by phoning those who are alone; shopping for hose who cannot get out or being part of a rota that helps to keep the church open at specific times for individuals to have time for private pray. If you can help, please let Toby or Sara know. Thank you
In addition, this Lent we are asking Parishioners to bring items that can help stock Clayton Baptist Church mother and baby bank and the other banks of stores held there to support those in need. Nappies and baby milk are always in demand. Clothes, towels, even shoes, pots & pans etc. We all have unused items that could be a blessing to someone else.
You can bring the items to church at one of the times it is open and we will ensure they are taken to the Baptist Church.
Thank you.