Worship times
Church times and services.
Church is opening up to more services, however you will be able to continue to view all services on line to via Facebook Live.
As the church gets back to more services and activities the place to check what is going on will be the calendar.
Monday – Night Prayer at 9:30
Tuesday – Night Prayer at 9:30.
Wednesday: Morning Prayer and Litany at 10:00am and Night Prayer at 9:30pm.
Thursday – Night Prayer at 9:30pm
Friday – Morning Prayer and Litany at 10:00am
6:30pm Friday Praise . 11th & 25th June + 9th July in Church. Booking essential.
Saturday – Night Prayer at 9:30pm.
Sunday – 8:00am service in church only every second and fourth Sunday of the month starting on the 25th April and throughout May, June and July.
11:00am Service in church and streamed on line. During May, June and July, the second Sunday of this month will be a family service.
9:30pm.Night prayer