Services during Holy Week

Holy Week Services


During Holy Week evening prayers will take place at approximately 8:40pm, led from the church at which the service has taken place, other than Wednesdays which Claire will lead from home.

All Services at All Saint’s Church unless stated otherwise


Palm Sunday 10 April: 

8am Holy Communion,

11am Family Communion, starting with a procession from the vicarage garden.

6:30pm Readings and hymns for Passiontide; bible readings, poems & hymns to celebrate the Easter story.


Monday 11 April:

7:30pm Holy Communion with prayers and laying-on of hands for healing . Come and pray for healing for yourself;lf and others.  at Altham St James


Tuesday  12 April:

7:30pm Holy Communion with prayers for peace and justice. Come and light a candle and pray for nations and individuals to know God’s peace.


Wednesday 13 April:

10am  Holy Communion


Thursday 14 April:

7:30pm  Sung Holy Communion with washing of feet, stripping of the altars and short watch.


Friday 15 April:

10am Friday Praise family service, followed by hot cross buns

11am Morning Worship, preceded at 10:40 am by hot cross buns

2pm Hour at the Cross at  Saint James Altham


Saturday 16 April:

10am Morning Prayer


Easter Sunday 17 April:

6am Ecumenical Dawn Prayers in Mercer Park,

8am Holy Communion

11am Sung Holy Communion with Baptism