Church gardens
We are tidying up the gardens before winter with some outside help from Prospect.
On Monday 31st October between 10:00am – 12:00am
We would love some help – no need to be expert gardeners advise is on hand.
Tools will be made available.
We are sure you will agree, the Church garden is beginning to look lovely again after COVID and lockdown; thanks to the hard work of volunteers a few weeks back.
Since then, we have re-established contact with Prospect, who help us with funding and with keeping the garden tidy. We have some money donated by them to help replace dead and old shrubs and plants and we want to make sure we spend it before they think we don’t need it! We met with Gareth from Prospect and discussed how he might hep and advise us.
Gareth suggested that he and his team begin by helping us with the pruning our roses, shrubs and bushes and getting rid of tree saplings on Monday 31st October between 10:00am – 12:00am. This is a job that needs doing before winter sets in. They will provide tools. However we do need a team of helpers on that day too. So if you can spare some time to come along and help it would be greatly appreciated. You don’t need to be an expert gardener, there will be advice at hand.
We also hope to reestablish the garden club, it doesn’t meet many time a year; but it does help to keep the church grounds looking nice and cared for. If you are interested in coming along when you can please let Elaine Lockwood, Barbara Anderson or one of the Wardens know. The day and times may vary to suit the group.
Thank you.