Holy Week and Easter Services

Services for Holy week.

Palm Sunday 2nd April –

                           8:00am Holy Communion

                           9:30am Holy Communion at Altham St. James

                          11:00am Procession and Family Communion

                          6:30pm Evening Prayer and Reflection.

Monday 3rd April –

                           7:30pm Holy Communion with Healing Prayer at Altham St James

Tuesday 4th April – 

                          7:30pm On the footsteps of Jesus in Jeruselem, Reflections by Claire.

Wednesday 5th April – 

                         10:00am Holy Communion.

                         7:30pm Reflections and compline at Altham St James.

Maundy Thursday 6th April – 

                         11:00 am  Chrism Eucharist at Blackburn Cathedral.

                         7:30pm Eucharist of the Lord’s Sourer followed by stripping of the alter and watch..

Good Friday 7th April 

 8:45am Morning prayer and Litany

9:30am Time for families with crafts and a short time of worship. At Altham St James.

9:30 am Coffee and Hot Cross Bun

10:00am All age service, following the way of    the cross from church, through the park to Barnes Square.

10:00am crafts and short family service at Altham St. James.

2:00pm Last Hour at the cross at Altham St James.

Easter Eve

10:00am Morning Prayer

9:00pm Online vigil

Easter Sunday

6:15am Sunday rise service in Mercer park

8:00am Holy Communion

9:30am Holy Communion at Altham St James

11:00am Holy Communion
