All Saints’ FAITHfest – Events booking now open
Click on ‘FAITHfest’ to use the QR code
A celebration of our Christian faith and an opportunity for us to be inspired and share our faith with a friend.
Key dates include.
Places are limited to the size of the rooms. Please follow the links if you wish to book any of these events. All events are free.
6th June Thursday evening –
Social Pub night at the Forts Arms with speaker and food. Book here
7th June early evening
Friday Praise special in church followed by Youth Club at All Saints’ School. No need to book
8th June Saturday afternoon
Afternoon of pamper at Clayton Baptist Church and a joyful afternoon tea with speaker. This one is now full.
9th June Sunday ,
Join us for brunch and fellowship before our celebration service. Book here for catering purposes.
Checkout our Facebook page too for more information.
Please think of someone to invite.
Please pray that it is a success. (There is a pray you may like to use at the back of the flier.)
Thank you