Each parish church is responsible for raising its own finances. As well as looking after the building and its running costs we also contribute to the diocese for the ministry of our vicar.
There are a variety of ways in which you can give.
Bank Standing Order
Make your gift a regular donation.
This helps the church in setting its budget. If you wish to make your donations this way just contact us and we will give you information and support to set up your standing order.
Cheque / Cash
You can place your gift on the offertory plate as part of church services. To give reguarly this way, order our Freewill envelopes. For occasional visitors there are gift aid envelopes available.
On – line giving
If you would like to do so, an easy way is to use this link
Or the QR code below
Legacy / Will
Please consider remembering All Saints’ Church in your will and contribute to the life of this church for future generations.
Aid Declaration
If you are a tax payer you can increase your giving by completing the Gift Aid form. By doing so, our church can claim back tax from the government, increasing the value of all your identified gifts by 25%, at no extra cost to you.