Gardening Club December Update
A group of parishioners from All Saints’ Church has recently started participating in a programme of regular workshops supported by Julie Livesey, Rewilding Coordinator from the Prospects Foundation.
The aim is to undertake small but innovative gardening projects in All Saints’ churchyard and the Vicarage garden. The workshops are open to everyone who is a Hyndburn resident and are particularly appropriate for those living with dementia and social isolation. No previous gardening experience is required. Tools are provided so those wishing to get involved need only bring waterproof clothing, sturdy footwear and appropriate gloves.
The first workshop took place during the morning of Tuesday 13th November. Seventeen people attended this highly successful inaugural event. Feeding, weeding and tidying of the flower beds to the front of church was completed in just over an hour. Prospects Foundation funded the feed for the flower beds and provided the gardening tools. All participants were able to enjoy delicious vegetable soup and assorted bread rolls along with hot and cold drinks in church afterwards.
John and Penny Rowbottom led the team in carrying out refurbishment work to the All Saints’ Church Garden of Remembrance in early December. This renovation was carried out in memory of long-standing parishioner and All Saints’ Church Choir Member Keith Lomax who passed away recently. New top soil was laid along with the planting of shrubs and flowers. The cross was thoroughly cleaned.
The next gardening club workshop is booked for Tuesday 21st May 2019 at 11.00am with free lunch at 12.30pm. We shall be planting flowers.
Please contact David Woodcock or John Rowbottom if you would like to attend the May 2019 workshop or if you would just like to register a general interest in this creative new project.
David Woodcock