Sunday School
Sunday School takes place at 11am in All Saints school on most Sundays during term-time, except for the second Sunday in the month, when all ages are together in Church.
Sunday School is for young children (aged 3+), it is a fun way for them to learn about God and the Bible and to join in worship with others of a similar age. We mainly link in with one of the lectionary readings so that the children will be reflecting on the same scriptures as the adults.
Sunday School meets in All Saints’ School. Children can be dropped off from 10:50am at the Out of School Club room (as you face the main entrance to school, turn right and follow the path to the white doors ahead.
The children join us in Church in time to receive a blessing during Communion. They re-join their parents at the end of the service.
If you want to find out more about what we do; if you would like your child to attend Sunday School; or you are a member of the congregation and want to volunteer to be a helper please Contact us and someone will get back to you.