What’s on during Holy Week
14th Palm Sunday
All Saints’:
8.00 am Holy Communion
11.00am Family Communion beginning with procession from school
2.00pm Holy Baptism
St James’ Altham:
9.20am Refreshments and Easter crafts
9.40am Family Communion
15th April
7.30pm Reflective Service “Jesus is anointed” Altham
16th April
7.30pm Holy Communion with anointing and laying on of hands with prayer for healing’ All Saints
17th April
10.00am Holy Communion with address All Saints’
7.30pm Tenebrae Service “into the darkness” with readings and psalms Altham
18th Maundy Thursday
11am Blackburn Cathedral – Chrism Eucharist
7.30pm Sung Communion of the Lord’s Supper with footwashing, followed by stripping of the altar. All Saints’
19th Good Friday
10.30am Family Worship starting at All Saints’ church and finishing at Barnes Square, with refreshments from 10.00am
2.00pm The Last Hour at the Cross – Altham
20th Easter Eve
9am Morning Prayer – All Saints’
10.00am – 12 noon Coffee Morning and Children’s Easter Crafts Arthur Wilson Centre
21st Easter Day
All Saints’:
6.00am Short Dawn service in Mercer Park
8.00 am Holy Communion
11.00am Holy Communion with Holy Baptism
St James’ Altham:
9.30am Holy Communion
22nd Easter Monday
9:30am Morning Prayer in All Saints’
10.00am Easter Monday walk followed by lunch at the Hyndburn Bridge