New Year Resolutions!
Your New Year Resolutions
Might include taking a look at your giving back to God through the church.
Perhaps you can help church by giving regularly? It is easy to set up a standing order. You can do this yourself via on – line banking OR ask for a form.
All Saints’ Clayton – le – Moors
Nat West – sort code 01-00-04 A/c no. 05013151
If you already ave a standing order it might be awhile since you thought about how much you give and whether it is time to adjust the amount, after all inflation has gone up considerably over the last couple of years.
If you don’t feel able to make a regular gift at present, then please do continue to give via the plate or the card reader at the back of church.
Thank you for all your support which our church relies on, to care for our building, heat and to insure i; plus also to pay for the cost of ministry.