School Christmas Fair

This Saturday 7th December 11:00am – 1:00pm.

Many attractions including Father Christmas.

Our annual celebration of Christingle will be on Friday 6th December at 6:30pm in All Saints’.

We celebrate the light of Christ and support the Children’s Society who bring that light to children in the UK living in darkness.

A massive thank you and well done to the organising team, craft workers, window decorators and helpers for a stunning festival. Thanks also to all those who supported the event, brought along friends, attended the concert or Carl Service; bought produce or raffle tickets. All helped in making the festival a success.

Below are a few photos to try and capture the essence of the festival.



Many of you will remember Hayley – a teacher at All Saints’ Primary School, coming to church to tell us about her pending visit to a village in Uganda.
Unfortunately there has been some tragic news since she has returned.  There has been  an unprecedented amount of rain in the village which has resulted in  several landslides.  The last severe landslide  killed 3 women and washed a baby away.  The baby is Feredericko’s(All Saints’ sponsored child) baby sister and one of the women was his mum.  Poor Feredericko is now orphaned.
Fund raising is now underway to rebuild the home, sponsor the children who are old enough to go to school so they are safe; and then to rebuild the toilets at the primary school that had just been  finished when Hayley was  there and which were also washed away by a landslide.
If you would like to help you can make  a donation here.
More photos and information can be seen on the School’s website.
Thank you.

Next Sunday –  the Feast of Christ the King

Please join the Benefice Communion and Conformation Service

at 4:00pm in All Saints’ Church


The Bishop of Blackburn, the Rt. Revd. Julian Henderson will preside, preach and confirm. This will be the only service this day and hopefully everyone will come and worship together.

Please pray all those to be confirmed.




The word comes from “Las Posadas’ – the Spanish for ‘Inns”. It is a religious festival which originates in Mexico and parts of the United States and is celebrated between 16th -24th December . Las Posadas commemorates the journey that Joseph and Mary made from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of a safe refuge where Mary could give birth to baby Jesus.

A little Mary and Joseph will travel house to house around the parish en route to Bethlehem. If you would like the to call at your house please sign up on the sheet at he back of church.

Thank you

Oh God, who art the author of peace and the lover

of concord, in knowledge of whom standeth

our eternal life, whose service is perfect

freedom: defend us, thy humble servants, in

all assaults of our enemies; that we, surely

trusting in they defence, may not fear the

power of any adversaries; through the might

of Jesus Christ Our Lord. 



In school and open to all –

  • Christmas shopping night –  Thursday 21st November between 6:00 – 8:30pm.
  • Winter Fashion Show – Friday 29th November 7:00pm for 7:30 pm start. Tickets £5 from school or Adele Helm. (Also in aid of Lancashire Women’s Centre).
  • Winter Wonderland  Christmas Fair – Saturday 7th December between 11:00am – 1:00 pm.

At the Arthur Wilson Centre on Saturday 23rd November between 9:00am – 1:00pm.

Why not come along!

The festival begins on Friday 13th December when St Christopher’s Jazz Band and Choir will perform at a concert. Tickets are now on sale at £5 each, this will include refreshments and mince pies. There is a discount for families.

Please support this event and sign up at the back of church for tickets. Thank you.

If you can help over the festival weekend in any way – please let one of the Church Wardens know. Thank you.